EFM End Forming Machine
Technical data (according to customer specification)
- 18,5 Kw frequency controlled hydraulics for higher performance, lower noice level lower energy consumption.
- Tool closing 10-30 ton (programmable in HMI Panel). Stroke 400mm.
- Possibility to place the hydraulic unit on top of machine for minimum usage of floor space.
- Up to 7 programmable tool movements.
- Sequence for all movements, positions etc. programmable in HMI panel..
- Proportional valves for all movements.
- Automatic tool lubrication. Programmable in HMI Panel.
- 4pct Option sensors (fe. part detection) programmed in HMI panel, when, if and how long time they should be active during the sequence.
- Typical cycle time 10-30 sec depending on application.
- Tool changeover require no tool.
- Tool changeover under 3 min.
- Frequency controlled high speed rolling door incl. light curtain.
- Recipe handling. Recipes can be exported/ Imported to USB stick.
- Prepared for robot handling.
- Remote accsess via Cloud VPN.
- Side doors for full acsess during tool change over and mainenance.
- We offer design and manufacturing of tools.
Example of tools
- Cutting
- Hole punching
- Formning
- Callibration
- Roll forming
- Push bending